Vocational Timeline
Here is a timeline of my vocational ministry path so far. While there are many more ways I have served the Church on an ongoing basis, the timeline highlights significant moments in ministry and new initiatives that I have brought to further the Kingdom of God through His Church.
“Hired by Southwest Hills Baptist Church as Worship Director”
“Converted sound system from analog to digital using Midas M32 donated by a church member.”
“Paired the church choir with live instrumental music for the first time.”
“Worked with a professional graphic designer to redesign the church logo and letterhead.”
“Conceptualized and led an effort to expand the stage in the main Sanctuary, cleaning up stage connections, and allowing more space for the church choir.”
“Provided sung worship for Spring of Life Church, a church plant that met on Sunday evenings in Portland. Spring of Life is currently known as Garden Church.”
“Worked with professional web developers to completely overhaul Southwest Hills’ website.
“Developed an official Philosophy of Sung Worship for Southwest Hills.”
“Helped bring Church Community Builder online at Southwest Hills.”
“Worked with a filmmaker on a video about Southwest Hills, coinciding with the 40th anniversary of the church’s founding.
“Preached first full sermon on worship from Psalm 33
“Started filming and producing weekly announcement videos for Sunday morning services.
“Preached from 1 Corinthians 2 on “Wisdom From The Holy Spirit”
“Started filming and producing weekly service videos during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown.
“Wrote and recorded the original song “Yet I Will Praise You.”
“Preached on lament from Psalm 22
“Led effort to start live streaming of complete church gatherings.